I’m Thinking

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I have been thinking! 

Well, who doesn’t ?? 

I think, most of us don’t! 

Most of us are so busy with our lives, responsibilities, duties, schedules, work, family, friends and living the normal course of life that we forget to think! And when we get time, our internal machinery is so tired, we don’t want to work it even harder by thinking. So, I truly believe that most of us are not thinking!

Being a person known to be self-aware with clarity of thoughts, I was always acting and doing, until these last few months, when I got some downtime. And, I realized that I had some internal unanswered questions. 

What is it I really enjoy ? What’s my “why” ? What matters to me ?

Long self-debates and walking through several ideas within myself have helped me answer these questions. I have uncovered the deep passion inside. I want to coach and I want to mentor people. I want to be the one giving a hand, and (e)nable people who are walking the same path, hitting the same hurdles, as I did, years ago. 

Especially to the mid-level managers, who have a great and challenging responsibility at the workplace and with no prescribed success formula available to them. I am envisioning being the one, providing contextual and personalized mentoring and giving an outside-in view to ease the journey.

Hence, I have kicked off my passion project Nabler. I invite you to contact me! I would love to listen, learn and brainstorm with you.. and be your nabler. 

#coaching, #mentoring, #nabling, #passionproject

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